Acknowledgements and Credits
Funding for the website was generously given by Historic and Environment Scotland
Shetland Museum and Archive facilitated recording of the artefacts raised from the site
Sara Joffre freely gave access to her father’s original video and photographic collection for use within this diving tour
Shetland Sub Aqua Club past and present recorded the site, produced 3D models of artefacts for this web tour and provided video and digital stills of the site
British Sub Aqua Jubilee Trust for funding to enable diving on site to finalise the site recording
Donald Jeffries assisted in the recoding of the site and identification of all the cannon seen on site
Philip Jameson for operational support during archaeological trips to Shetland
Kristina Söderpalm generously provided her latest research on the Queen of Sweden and also use of illustrations from her excellent publication Branden Kanton 1743 in the publication S Bertil Olsson & Magnus Johansson (redaktörer): Sverige och svenskarna i den ostindiska handeln 1. Perspektiv från arkivaliska och arkeologiska fynd Landsarkivet i Göteborg Utkom 2016 City museum of Gothenburg
The Swedish Ship Götheborg for generously allowing the use of their paintings to illustrate the web tour
ArtasMedia and CloudTour for the Web Tour development
Tren Dive project managed the development and delivery of the web tour